When you are part of the CMAC Family, you want to share your good fortune with others. There are so many aspects of CMAC that could benefit your friends and family, from fitness to fellowship. At CMAC, when you take the time to encourage others to join us (and they do!), we’d like to […]
For those who are uninformed about Martial Arts, the black belt is the endgame; it is the elusive brass ring for which so many reach and few obtain. To be a black belt requires focus, discipline, commitment, and a host of other intense qualities. Once rank is attained, then a pinnacle is reached with nothing […]
On Saturday, May 21, 2022, seven warriors from CMAC arrived in Smyrna at the North Metro Martial Arts to display their mettle and to represent their school; they did both extremely well, being respectful and professional in every way while giving their best. Although several brought home gold medals for their efforts in sparring and […]
All of that effort…going to class, learning new skills, building your confidence, giving your all…is not just for internal purposes. You can do more and learn more about yourself and others by competing. It’s not too late to sign up for the North Metro Martial Arts Tournament of Champions scheduled for this Saturday. As […]
We have been nominated for a local award and a national award; Master Castro has also been inducted into a prestigious groups within the United Taekwondo Alliance…and our response is GRATITUDE! Our school is a success because of all the individuals contributing and participating in our programs and initiatives. CMAC is one of the nominated […]
Summer Camp begins with signing up and the month of March is the ideal time to do so! This is our second year promoting our camp sign ups with March Madness. For us, March Madness is about our crazy great deals of $25 off one week of camp and $100 off if you sign up […]
Wow! What a year! Castro Martial Arts Center opened its doors on February 22, 2021 and the support and continue to build with each passing day…and we are grateful! We are currently housed at 2145 West Broad Street in Athens, Georgia; this facility affords us so many opportunities — including a workout facility for our […]
Testings take place at CMAC every quarter and the eventual goal for all students is the accomplishment of a black belt, which includes various degrees. At our first testing on July 31, 2021, the following students achieved the next level of black belt: Micah Turpin (1st Degree) Kene Onunkwo (1st Degree) Kate Hinger (1st Degree) […]
Parents think about the impact that they have on their children, the legacy that is left, the inheritance that is handed down. When Master Castro’s eldest son, Naaman, graduated from high school, decisions about his future were at the forefront of father/son conversations. After years of working as a caterer and teaching taekwondo at the local […]
Our son Jason had recently turned four when a friend of my wife suggested we look at martial arts and the classes being taught by a young instructor Jose Castro. He thought it would be a great activity. So he adventure began. Little did we realize at the time that this new venture would span […]
Last summer, we published a newsletter that highlighted families and events that are flourishing at CMAC. Many of our friends and family were unaware of our newsletter so we have decided to regularly publish blog posts instead in order to get out the great news of things happening at CMAC in a timely and relevant […]
Grade school can be quite the experience for any child. It is a place where a child not only learns academically but one where a child must learn to socialize and function in the world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative experiences that a child may have when going through school. Whatever those experiences […]
Every year, the American Heart Association celebrates Heart Month to raise awareness about heart disease and heart health. What you may not know is that martial arts are great for the heart. In fact, the cardiac benefits of martial arts give a whole new meaning to the idea of cardiovascular fitness. With that in mind, […]
As people grow older, they begin to find ways to be more productive and make use of their time. For senior citizens, in particular, they find that there is even more time they need to utilize and want to do so effectively. Many will go out and find other jobs while others will pursue hobbies […]